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All About Motorola Keylink: The Bluetooth Tracking Device For iPhones & Androids

It’s funny.

You see, if a company invents something truly innovative in the gadget space, and it is adapted aggressively by the consumers — more companies will follow that success path.

This leads to more options for the consumers, which means new innovation and also affordability.

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A Successful Bird Chase Through Mobile Tracking Device

How many of you remember seeing exotic birds sitting on your arms and staring right into your eyes while making some weird noises? Well, it’s definitely not an everyday scene for us. However, it will be — starting today.

As a nonprofit zoo dedicated only for birds, The National Aviary aims to bring something new to its visitors.

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Operators Are Working On Mobile Tracking Devices For Consumers

Looks like the rise in mobile theft is driving mobile operators crazy!

Here’s the fact: Mobile operators are not going to wait for customers to take action after losing their mobile phones. Mobile operators will not even going to share with you “tips” or “

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Access GPS Navigation Maps Without Internet on iPhone

Last night, over dinner, I was speaking to a man named Rick. He is a travel junkie and always captures his memory through his iPhone’s camera. He told me one thing that particularly caught my attention. He talked about the international roaming charges.

Not really the right thing to talk over dinner.

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Sprint WeGo: Now Parents Track Kids With GPS Powered Phone!

Kids must be safe. That’s the single most important concern of every parent out there. And to make sure this goal is achieved (and achieved effortlessly), Sprint has launched a new made-for-kids smartphone this month.

As you read every word of this article you will realise why Sprint’s move to bring a dedicated GPS smartphone for kids makes a whole lot of sense.

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Perfect Place for Women to Hide a Cellphone

Scarf, handbag or call this thing a purse, but you can wear it and of course hide anything — from a couple of phones to money and credit cards, this thing is a must-have for any and every woman.

Women Hiding phone in scarf Cellphone

A Scarf Can Stop you from Losing your cellphone

Lugging a purse around and putting the phone in our pocket didn’t seem like an ideal solution —

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